What are Digital Credentials
NBMTM has partnered with Accredible to issue digital credentials to those who have earned the BCMTMS certification.
NBMTM has established this opportunity so that you may easily and quickly share verified proof of your professional achievements wherever and whenever you choose. Where applicable, board certifications will be represented by a digital image that also describes the rigorous process necessary to earn them. Secured by blockchain technology, digital credentials provide consumers and employers with the ability to quickly and confidently verify the authenticity and status of certification. Digital credentials also allow the recipient to easily share and showcase their achievement on a variety of social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook, as well as inclusion in email signatures and personal or company websites.
Digital credentials (certificates and/or badges) are electronic (digital) versions of a certification or credential, which replace traditional paper certificates. A digital credential includes information such as who earned the credential, what the credential represents, how it was earned, who issued it, when it was issued, and when it expires.
What are the benefits of digital credentials?
Easy to Share
Unlike a traditional paper certificate, digital credentials also allow the recipient to easily share and showcase their achievement on a variety of social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook, as well as inclusion in email signatures and personal or company websites.
Secure and Verifiable
Digital credentials are secured by blockchain technology reducing fake and fraudulent credentials. Authenticity can be quickly and easily verified by an employer or consumer. Expired credentials are clearly designated as such.
Always Accessible
Your credentials will always be available online. No more lost or damaged certificates.
Print Anytime
Easily access and print a high-quality PDF of your certificate, whenever you like.